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October 5, 2021

Aumni Outdoors: Exploring Nature’s Beauty in Utah and Beyond

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It’s no secret that fresh air and movement are foundational to health. At Aumni, we are often outdoors, savoring the opportunity to renew our energy and stoke our love of the mountains, oceans, forests, and deserts. Being the data-driven type, we are drawn to the evidence proving that time spent in nature can clear the mind, boost creative powers, and improve focus and problem-solving skills. 

So many of us at Aumni live in areas of the world where we have access to unspoiled natural environments. We’re grateful to enjoy a company culture that celebrates the exploration of untamed and breathtaking landscapes. From our company’s mountain home in Utah, we’ve found ways to extol the virtues of wilderness, solitude, and unexpected beauty.

These adventures are often coordinated in the office, over hiking, biking, running, skiing, and climbing channels. Invitations are plentiful and photos are shared openly, stoking appreciation and support for the numerous ways we collectively practice health and find harmony in our surroundings. It’s who we are at our core; we believe in doing hard things and sharing the very best life has to offer. That commitment finds expression outside of our traditional work setting. Please enjoy this gallery of Aumni’s team members, growing and becoming stronger together.

Mt. Superior is one of the most iconic peaks in Little Cottonwood Canyon, Utah. A crew from Aumni enjoyed the incredible views from the mountain’s South Ridge.

Earlier in the year, the team captured this beautiful shot of Mt. Superior before heading up to ski the backcountry. 

In another high-altitude enclave in the Wasatch mountains, Sean and his fiancé hiked Catherine’s Pass in Alta, Utah to capture this gorgeous vista. 


The Utah wilderness has much to offer, including the optimal setting for Tony (Lewis, our CEO) to spend a bluebird day exploring and conquering rock formations on his dirt bike.   

On another trip, Tony and Franz traversed the shores of Bear Lake on the Utah-Idaho border.

One of many Aumni climbers, Nicole planned her route to the anchors on Challenge Buttress in Big Cottonwood Canyon, Utah.

Jake and his wife discovered the rainbow-laden secret of story weather in Cecret Lake in Alta, Utah

Joe led a group that hiked to Emerald Lake from Aspen Grove, Mt. Timpanogos, Utah — a feast for the eyes and a well-deserved respite from hard work.  

On the East Coast, Laura and her children visited the Guardians of the Seeds at the Boothbay Botanical Gardens in Coastal Maine. These mysterious mammoth trolls are hidden throughout the Garden — once discovered, each shares a lesson on how to disconnect from the world and reconnect with the Earth. 

Pawan shared this breathtaking view from a visit to the Smoky Mountains in North Carolina. 

If you’d like to become a member of the greatest indoor-outdoor team in fintech, please review our open positions. We can’t wait to introduce you to crisp air and quaking aspens on a trail run after work. Team Aumni awaits your arrival.

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