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Committed to trust.

Aumni customers trust us with their data.

Our standards and certificates

We earn the trust of our customers through transparency, security, compliance, privacy, and performance. Independent third-party auditors attest to Aumni’s adherence to security best practices enshrined in the SOC 2 Type II and ISO 27001:2013 frameworks.

SOC 2 Type II Report




ISO 27001 Certification





We take confidentiality seriously and ensure that stringent access and encryption controls are properly implemented to protect our clients sensitive information.

Data integrity

We are committed to capturing, structuring, and presenting the legal and financial data with completeness and accuracy through rigorous checks, audits, and appropriate access controls.


Our teams work diligently to provide a 99.9% up time. Information and resources are accessible to authorized users when needed, maintaining uninterrupted service.


We safeguard personal and sensitive information to ensure it is collected, used, and shared in compliance with regulations and the individual’s consent.

Read Aumni’s security and trust white paper for more detailed information.

Questions? Contact

Website privacy and cookies

We regularly work with independent experts to verify our security, privacy, and compliance controls, and have achieved certification against stringent global standards.
Your privacy is important to us
This Privacy Policy explains our collection, use and disclosure of personal information that is collected or processed by Aumni, Inc. (“we,” “us” or “our”) in connection with your access to and use of our website or otherwise interact with us outside of our products and services (individually or collectively, our website and other interactions are referred to herein as the “Website”).  

Please take a moment to read this document to learn about our personal information collection practices that may affect you (“User,” “you” or “your”) during your use of our Website. This Privacy Policy applies to our Website that displays or references this Privacy Policy, but it does not apply to our products and services governed under any separate agreements or different privacy policy or notice.

This Privacy Policy does not apply to personal information we process as a service provider or data processor on behalf of our business customers.

Your use of the Website and any information you provide through the Website remains subject to the terms of this Privacy Policy as well as our Terms of Use.
Disclaimer: The information contained herein is provided for informational and discussion purposes only and is not intended to be a recommendation for any investment, service, product, or other advice of any kind, and shall not constitute or imply an offer of any kind. Any investment opportunities and/or products or services shown here will only be completed pursuant to formal offering materials, a letter of intent, and/or any other agreements as determined by Aumni containing full details regarding risks, minimum investment, fees, and expenses of such transaction.The terms of any product, service, or particular investment opportunity, including size, costs, and other characteristics, are set forth in the applicable constituent documents for such product, service or particular investment opportunity and may differ materially from those presented in this presentation.  Such terms are subject to change without notice.

Quotes included in these materials related to Aumni services should not be construed in anyway as an endorsement of Aumni advice, analysis, or other service rendered to its clients.