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February 9, 2021

Aumni Launches New Brand in Response to Growth and Expansion in Private Capital Markets

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We are thrilled to announce Aumni's expanded market focus and our brand's new look and feel, as we present to you our new website and logo. Our rebrand is rooted in Aumni's rapid evolution over the past year. As referenced in a recent blog post authored by our CEO, Tony Lewis, Aumni's customer growth has been off the charts lately. In January 2020, Aumni had just a handful of marquee clients. Starting off 2021, we are working with over 100 major firms and institutions. In fact, we have analyzed financing transactions of private capital investors who represent over $1 trillion in assets under management.

As a result of our company's success over the past year, we wanted to ensure that all of our offerings -- investment analytics, portfolio intelligence, and the delivery of insights using the most accurate data source available -- can be extended more broadly across private capital markets. Our customer segments now include venture capital funds, family offices, corporate venture firms, and university endowments. Upon much consideration, we felt that our brand would be best served with an updated look to reflect our growth and expanded focus. We now have a new website, logo, graphics, iconography and messaging that speak to our refined focus and offerings.  

Read on to view our official press release below or on PRWeb:

Aumni Unveils New Brand Identity to Reflect Company’s Rapid Growth and Data Strategy Leadership in Private Capital Markets

Data strategy leader expands customer segments to include venture capital funds, family offices, corporate venture firms, and university endowments  

Salt Lake City, UT -- February 9, 2021 -- Aumni, a leader in automated investment analytics for the private capital markets, today announced an expansion of the company’s product and marketing focus to address a larger subset of private capital market segments: venture capital funds, family offices, corporate venture firms, and university endowments. Aumni’s evolution has been driven by its increasingly vital role as the premier data analytics provider having analyzed financing transactions of private capital investors who represent over $1 trillion in assets under management.

“Aumni’s significant momentum at a time of uncertainty and economic volatility has inspired us to evolve our brand,” said Kelsey Chase, president and co-founder of Aumni. “Aumni’s combination of innovative technology and ability to cultivate a data-driven mindset empowers our investor clients to cut through the noise and elevate their data strategy. Our rebrand reflects our accomplishments to date, as well as our vision to advance data analytics for private capital markets in 2021 and beyond.”

Since its inception in 2018, Aumni has been addressing a major challenge in the private capital industry: unstructured data. Transaction data is buried in dense legal agreements and its extraction has traditionally required time-consuming, manual processes that are prone to critical errors. Aumni has developed a unique method for automatically extracting, organizing, and analyzing transaction data. The company’s proprietary engine, AumniSphere™, provides near real-time analysis of granular financial and legal data within just a few clicks. Aumni uses a process that combines artificial intelligence (A.I.) and human expertise to reduce errors as well as regularly refine data models. This approach allows Aumni to rapidly deliver accurate investment insights for investors in the private capital space, a major innovation in the market.

“What Aumni has accomplished, especially in current market conditions, is remarkable,” said Andrea Walne, General Partner at Manhattan Venture Partners. “The Aumni team has inspired confidence in the investor community by making transaction data insights readily available at key junctures in deal and decision making. We are excited to see what they can achieve in the coming years as their solutions address the data needs of private capital.”

To best align with this broader vision, Aumni’s rebrand includes a complete redesign of the company’s website, logo, graphics, iconography and marketing materials. The main visual element accompanying Aumni’s rebrand utilizes a motif based on circles, which conveys completeness. The new logo is flat and lowercase with a blue dot above the “i”.

“We’re very happy with our new brand direction," said Pawan Murthy, head of marketing at Aumni. "The rebrand helps focus our narrative on the importance of delivering accurate and timely insights to an industry that has struggled with data integrity. Our new branding provides a strong foundation for us to tell not only Aumni’s story, but also the successes of our team and customers.”

Aumni’s data strategy solutions provide value for funds at any stage of development. Please visit www.aumni.fund to learn more or request a demo.

About Aumni

Aumni is an investment analytics platform for private capital markets that include venture funds, family offices, university endowments and corporate venture firms. By combining the best of A.I. and human expertise, Aumni’s platform extracts and analyzes critical deal data buried in dense legal agreements. In just a few clicks, Aumni provides the most comprehensive insights related to the financial and legal position of every investment. Aumni has analyzed an unprecedented breadth and depth of private capital data representing investors with over $1 trillion in assets under management. With Aumni, investment leaders can make faster and more informed decisions in an ever-changing world.

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