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December 30, 2020

2020 CEO Year-End Message

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The end of the year is the quintessential time for us all to look back, reflect, and be reminded of all we’ve been through, where we’re headed, and what we’re thankful for. Despite the extraordinary challenges of 2020, Aumni ended this year stronger than we started it. This makes me wonder: What did we do right? How can we do more of it? How do we capitalize on what 2021 will offer us?

Perhaps the leading indicator of our success this past year has been our customer growth. We kicked off January with only a handful of critical clients and are now working with over 100 major institutions in venture capital such as Data Collective, Khosla Ventures and Sapphire Ventures.  We launched strategic partnerships with trusted and respected organizations such as the National Venture Capital Association and Silicon Valley Bank.

In less than one year, we have proven that the market is hungry for what Aumni has to offer: investment analytics, portfolio intelligence, and the delivery of private capital insights using the most accurate data source available.  Aumni is helping funds make smarter decisions so they can invest in successful businesses that are building tomorrow’s economy.  As we accelerate toward delivering the data that will power the engine of private cap market analytics, Aumni is in the driver seat -- and we couldn’t be more excited.  

Aumni’s success in 2020 was not borne out of some brilliant idea or fancy pitch deck. Instead, it was achieved by a team of massively talented individuals who have joined the company and are passionate about our mission.  Aumni grew from 10 full-time employees to over 70 as we made the smart decision to invest our time and energy in 2020 to hire amazing people, reinforce our values, and enrich our company culture.  We have the ability to innovate and execute at lightning speed because we have brilliant engineers, a master customer operations and success team, creative marketers, intelligent strategists, a smart and nimble business development team, genius product designers, and a well-oiled operations team that I could not be more proud of.  

As I look toward 2021, I can think of very few things more important than to build an all-star team who works well together if we’re going to become a hyper-growth standout company -- and I believe we’re doing that well.  The year ahead will have fresh obstacles that Aumni is poised to capitalize on, propelled by our innovation, fueled by collaboration, and accelerated by our highly-valued growing customer base.  Venture will continue to grow, and Aumni will be leading the way thanks to our amazing investors, enthusiastic advisors, and brilliant team.  


Tony Lewis
Co-Founder & CEO

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